People remember animation. Moving image makes information easily digestible and also stirs emotional responses in its viewers. Often, animation can be a really useful tool to communicate a range of messages.
Learn more about our animation process >
At a dozen eggs, we have used animation to convey complex research goals as well as selling ideas. We use it to extend brands, and capture people’s attention. Research has found that 7 in 10 people view brands more favourably after watching interesting video content from them. Done well, animation can say a lot about your brand, personality – and the people behind the company. If you are interested in speaking to us about moving image, please get in touch.
a dozen eggs are absolutely the team to brand and design – as an academic I had various fuzzy ideas about the kind of thing I wanted but the team were insightful, careful, inspiring and confident and produced stunning results. I recommend them to anyone I meet who could benefit from their cheerful, flexible and skilful brand, animation and design work.
Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Loughborough University
Jo and Fran have boundless enthusiasm and are always coming up with great ideas. They are very aware of ‘what works’ in design. This is not just because of their undoubted skill but because they fully understand the different audiences with which we aim to engage. Chris is also a real asset. He has a wealth of techie expertise in web design that he communicates in a really accessible way. They make a brilliant team.
Each of the three have both individual and highly complementary skills. They have excellent listening skills and work hard to achieve a meaningful brief from their clients. They are flexible and hugely positive as well as able to deliver to time and budget.
Anna Leather, Loughborough University