ADHD Solutions
Easy-to-use resource for those teaching children with ADHD.
ADHD Solutions is a charitable organisation providing support for young people and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). a dozen eggs were asked to produce a resource booklet for the charity from an evidence based perspective.
This particular project was developed by Dr Louise Bradley and Dr Carly Butler from Loughborough University, whose research fed into evidence-based workshops and resources for the charity. Our role was to create an easy-to-use reference booklet to inform and support those teaching and working with children with ADHD.

Working closely with content and input from Louise Bradley, the booklet required a structure around ‘the eight aspects of social and emotional learning that are essential for the healthy development and wellbeing of children with ADHD’.
We separated the 8 sections of the booklet into bright, bold colours – easy to pick out and flick to when used. An icon system represents each area as a extra, visual prompter to distinguish the 8 different aspects. A set of characters were developed to illustrate the views and experiences of children and their interactions with a teacher figure. Dotted throughout the booklet the characters break up the content and emphasis the focus around young people and how they communicate.
The illustrative style remains fun and suitable for the children involved. The speech marks allow flexibility for different audiences. The characters are full of personality, which we hope the users can relate to!
The ADHD solutions resource has been designed for use in a lively, classroom environment. A quick reminder and checklist for a busy teacher. The structure includes a short overview of each learning aspect; top tips and conversational examples to put each ‘aspect’ into a classroom context. Worksheets accompany the booklet as a quick tool to jot down and record ‘real life moments’ as evidence of a child’s social and emotional learning.