St George-in-the-East
New identity for a thriving East End church
Based in London’s East End, St George in the East is an Anglican Parish church serving a diverse and rapidly evolving community. There mission is to worship God, welcome in their neighbours and challenge injustice.
With a deep rooted history in the community, alongside generations of immigrant groups, lifelong East Enders and City professionals, the church has an impressively broad demographic. A choir church – a choral Eucharist – is held on the first Wednesday of the month, and a Tuesday congregation for those learning English to come together, pray and seek justice for the community.
Child poverty within the parish is at one of the highest levels in England. Therefore, part of the mission os St George in the East is to campaign, together with other local churches, mosques and schools for affordable housing and other local issues.
St George in the East also holds a place in architectural history, being one of six Hawksmoor churches within London. Commissioned by parliament, the six churches are some of his best known independent works of architecture.
Our branding outcome therefore, needed to be sympathetic to the history of the church while still ensuring it had a smart, professional and welcoming re-fresh. A traditional logo, that can be teamed with illustration for a more contemporary feel. Since the rebrand, the church has continued to extend the demographic of those it communicates to – with further work into schools, homelessness outreach and even a community garden! Follow the church community on twitter to keep up to date with all their latest adventures.
a dozen eggs have undertook a number of church branding projects – including Open Heaven, based in Loughborough, and St Peter’s centre, the church community centre for the congregation. The team have also created flyers, brochures, invitations for St Alban’s Fulham, and a website for HTB’s network – a resource network for church leaders within the Holy Trinity Brompton group of churches.