Insights Fran Johnson

The joy of Google Noto
Using google's Noto font for translations for the charity, Barnardo's.

WordPress Image Fields: Alt Text, Title, Captions and Description
How important are the alt text, title, caption and descriptions - which ones do you need to spend lots of time thinking about, and are there any you can ignore?

How do I make my logo responsive?
There are a number of design decisions you can make to make your logo responsive; remove the words, remove the icon / imagery, merge parts of the logo together, strip out the detail or create a stackable version

What is a responsive logo?
The need for responsive logos has grown with the demands of a digital environment. Companies need their logo to communicate the same message whether on a billboard, or a bottle cap.

Top branding books
Wanting to learn more about branding? Then this is the list of books to start with; five key books to start your branding journey!

Final files & brand guidelines
Brand guidelines and final files - what happens are the end of the branding process at a dozen eggs, what can you expect?

Our top branding agencies in 2022
The field of branding attracts some very interesting and creative people (if we do say so ourselves!) and some talented branding agencies in the UK and beyond. We wanted to…

Vector vs. Raster: What’s the Difference?
Vector graphics are made up of lines, curves and shapes. Think of a vector as a series of dot-to-dots joined up to create paths. Raster graphics are made of pixels - a grid of tiny squares that can be coloured in.

How to develop secondary colour palettes
Over time brand colour palettes can feel limiting. A restricted colour palette can make any design work feel corporate, and trying to introduce new messages or products can become trickier. A secondary colour palette is a set of colours chosen to compliment the primary colours, but give the designer more range.

Why brand colour palettes need to be more extensive
Every brand needs a workable colour palette for their brand, one that will work for graphs, data visualisations and CTA's.

What does your brand stand for?
What types of words should you use for your brand values? A list of the brand value words.

What do you need to consider when writing an animation script?
A step by step guide to writing a script for an animation or video - for those of use who don't consider ourselves writers!