Crafting culture
We are approaching our mature age of 4. As such have decided to reflect and celebrate what has been such a great journey through giving the stage to a few other start ups.
In the infamous TV series The West Wing, a rather amusing take on the workings of the White House. One of the characters, Toby Zielger, the Communications Director, gets bombarded from another character on the ridiculousness of the arts. He rebuttals amusingly, commenting on the importance of the arts historically for cultural growth and development.
Watching this triggered a thought on the importance of a society to give space for startups who not only want to benefit the economy of said culture, but wish to manifest and express in some way a passion of theirs. How these courageous few are the ones who get to partially shape how that culture operates, is what i think Toby is commenting on.
In our celebratory mood we want to give platform to businesses that not only make money, but in someway are contributing to culture.
So for starters we have…

Good fruit
A company that aims to build a community that connects the ‘dreamers’ and entrepreneurially minded with experts and leaders of particular fields. Facilitating events to pitch their ideas and gain feedback and/or contribution from others.
With a value system that links good work to character. The projects that emerge and that are endorsed are ones that have a social awareness, where integrity to the value of community and working together, they strive to achieve the purpose of the dream.
Simply put, it’s a platform that encourages the dreamers to make their desires come to life through relationship and connection to the right people.
We are excited to see what develops and what fruit bursts forth from this young seedling.
For our second course we have …

Jollie Goods
Jollie Goods is fresh startup aiming to engage people with the issue of homelessness in ‘a sustainable and fun way’. That gives genuine support to homeless projects all over the UK. Their ‘wear a pair, share a pair’ model where every pair of top quality socks you buy, sees an additional pair donated to a homeless shelter in the local area.
Such a beautifully simple idea that has cut away all the fluff to meeting obviously genuine needs. Tapping into cultures current mindsets around luxury items and fashion, that also engages people in social action and responsibility. Breaking down the us and them mindset, and enables us as customers to contribute to the lives of others through us living our lives as we want to. Where personal sacrifice doesn’t have to be something that isn’t fun. We are looking forward to seeing what they come up with next! What a Jollie Good idea.
ASAP watercrafts
For desert we have ASAP water crafts. A product designer from Loughborough University dreamt, designed, developed and manufactured an aid for lifeguards. A power assisted water craft that assists lifeguards in their work. A tool to assist the recovery of those struggling out in the water. Having bumped into Sir Richard Branson, ASAP water crafts now sponsored by Virgin are not only staying afloat but zooming their way around the seas of cutting edge products to aid the work of those who protect us. Soon available for purchase we are so excited to see how this business will surge onwards. An amazing story of how an idea has been made accessible.
And as an after dinner treat we have Green Heart wash. A company that is taking a different approach to cleaning your cars. An eco based cleaning company that cleans with no water. What? No water? That’s a lot of wet wipes you may be thinking! Well, it’s science at its best. A specialised polymer that lifts the dirt away and can be wiped off without scratching the paint. GENIUS! With a heart for doing their part to benefit the environment, we expect these young washers to wipe the floor with competition.
And here are a few more to taste…

The first chapter is about to be read and the story is about to launch. Chronicles is a book company. Focusing on creating premium handmade leather books, that accommodate your wants and needs, from the black sketch book to the published works. Chronicles’ believes that man’s greatest wealth is their story, and that it is so worth reflecting and recording it in something that reflects that value. From one’s thoughts and ideas, to designs and creations. believing that life is beautiful and is to be excellently celebrated. We are excited to see how this story unfolds.
Pants to poverty
A playful pun pertaining to personal particulars involving pants and poverty. Such a fantastic and simple solution to engaging people in the issue of world poverty, through products that the vast majority use. With fairly traded materials ‘from cotton to bottom’, we say hats off to you, but we will keep ourtrousers on for now!
Xylo Furniture
A fantastic company who restores and redesigns furniture to ‘give them a new lease of life’. They believe that this furniture has a story already, and want to give it another chapter. And in the same way they engage unemployed adults to grow and develop skills and confidence. What a fantastic way to engage with needs and luxury.
Elephant Branded
A relevant and fun solution to engaging people in education in Africa and Asia. With every one of their products brought, school kit is donated to children in these areas. Selling ethically made recycled products made by local villagers. Elephant Branded, simply put, meets the needs and wants of consumer and provider. We love it!
Gandys flip flops
Flip flops! yes please. A truly inspirational story of honour and respect for their parents, lost in the 2004 tsunami. The developers of this company build orphanages with the profits. What a fantastic outcome, they certainly have flipped what life flopped on them!
Macaw designs
We all have to protect the things we love. so why not do so with style? This business has engaged meeting the needs of protecting our gadgets with pouring back into the economy. A social enterprise that donates to promote creative rehabilitation projects, as well as running craft events for youth. What a package deal!
Candor creative
Impressive young men, with a heart for excellence and storytelling. A video, photography and website company that really comes from the hearts of these gents. We are so impressed with what they have done, do and what will go into.