Holding pages – how can they serve you?
Holding pages are essentially a soft launch of your website – a page that gives off a vibe about who you are as a company whilst you build the rest of your website. It’s important to distinguish a holding page from the infamous ‘Coming Soon’ page. While the latter sits there like a featureless brick wall in your customers’ face, good holding pages contains all the key information your customers will need to understand who you are and get in touch with you.
Even at this early stage, you should already be thinking about who your main audience will be and what they’ll want to see from your holding page. A lot of questions go into searching for the right tone of voice and user experience for your main site, but can be forgotten about when creating a webpage.
Simple and direct holding pages
A holding page needn’t always be the precursor to a more elaborate website. If your business has a limited audience, and you only want to be contacted by people you have given your business card to, then a simple one paged site will suit your needs well.
Information focused
Do you provide a more complex service, that needs some text or imagery to ensure the correct tone is portrayed? We recently designed a holding page for the Baca Charity that included an illustration to do just that – and ensure that new visitors to the site developed more of an understanding of what they do as a charity.
Engagement focused
A holding page can be a brilliant tool to get potential customers to start to engage with your product or service. Have you thought about linking your instagram and twitter feeds to your page?
Doing this encourages early interaction with you brand, meaning that when you come to launch, you will (hopefully) already have a group of followers who are looking forward to what you have to promote.