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User persona examples to help a branding strategy process

User persona examples to help you create your own

Searching for branding persona examples? Look no further - we have compiled some of the more interesting examples.

By Fran Johnson : 30/01/2023
Toolkit helping you build a user persona for your brand

A toolkit: helping you build a user persona for your brand

Creating a persona is a very useful tool when it comes to developing a brand. Having a person in your minds eye when thinking about your brands visual language…

By Fran Johnson : 29/11/2022
a dozen eggs branding agency based in Loughborough

a dozen years of a dozen eggs

a dozen eggs is 12, and we can't quite believe it! We've taken this opportunity to take a look at our photos over the years.

By Fran Johnson : 04/10/2022
Noto typeface with multiple languages

The joy of Google Noto

Using google's Noto font for translations for the charity, Barnardo's.

By Fran Johnson : 06/07/2022
How to use Wordpress image fields to improve SEO

WordPress Image Fields: Alt Text, Title, Captions and Description

How important are the alt text, title, caption and descriptions - which ones do you need to spend lots of time thinking about, and are there any you can ignore?

By Fran Johnson : 20/06/2022
Why creating a brand persona is great for your business

Why creating a Brand Persona is great for your business

Your brand has a personality, how do you find out what it is?

By Michelle Barnett : 06/05/2022
Why do we storyboard before beginning an animation? To save money, save time, and bring clarity

Our storyboarding process

A storyboard fills the gap between a great idea and an amazing animation. How do they work and what you should expect?

By Michelle Barnett : 05/04/2022

Creating a flexible brand – Back to Basics

Exploring the importance of creating a flexible brand. Why the continuing trend for flatter, minimalist design is here to stay.

By Jo Wdowiak : 16/03/2022

How do I make my logo responsive?

There are a number of design decisions you can make to make your logo responsive; remove the words, remove the icon / imagery, merge parts of the logo together, strip out the detail or create a stackable version

By Fran Johnson : 04/03/2022
Brand identity using responsive logos

What is a responsive logo?

The need for responsive logos has grown with the demands of a digital environment. Companies need their logo to communicate the same message whether on a billboard, or a bottle cap.

By Fran Johnson : 15/02/2022

How to choose the right branding agency

Choosing a branding agency can feel daunting. There’s pressure to make the right decision, with your hard-earned money and the most visible part of your company - your branding- on the line. But it doesn’t have to be! These simple, logical steps will walk you through the process to finding an agency you feel really confident about.

By Michelle Barnett : 10/02/2022
Recommended branding books reading by Frances Collins

Top branding books

Wanting to learn more about branding? Then this is the list of books to start with; five key books to start your branding journey!

By Fran Johnson : 01/02/2022