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Insights Branding 101 : For Students

Having taught on the Graphic Communication and Illustration course (formally called Visual Communication) at Loughborough University for 19 years between them, Jo and Fran have a wealth of knowledge around teaching branding to undergraduate students from a practical perspective. This series of blog posts unpacks how students can improve as branders and designers, with no impenetrable branding strategy books in sight!

Using brand words as testing devices

Establishing brand words is a useful tool to steer project direction, but it is also incredibly useful to then test any project outcomes.

By Fran Johnson : 18/09/2023
How to design a logo? Designers guide to the nuts and bolts of logo design

How to design a logo

Do you want to know the nuts and bolts of designing a logo? From how to generate initial ideas to refining them and establishing a brand.

By Fran Johnson : 24/07/2023
Why brand colour palettes need to be more extensive_thumbnail

Why brand colour palettes need to be more extensive

Every brand needs a workable colour palette for their brand, one that will work for graphs, data visualisations and CTA's.

By Fran Johnson : 19/07/2021
secondary colour palettes

How to develop secondary colour palettes

Over time brand colour palettes can feel limiting. A restricted colour palette can make any design work feel corporate, and trying to introduce new messages or products can become trickier. A secondary colour palette is a set of colours chosen to compliment the primary colours, but give the designer more range.

By Fran Johnson : 01/09/2021

Day in the life of …

Once you have your persona, how do you work out how they'll want to be spoken to? The 'day in the life of' exercise is a great way to establish how you want to speak to your target audience.

By Fran Johnson : 02/10/2023
Brick Wall of Brand Strategy teaching students

The brick wall of brand strategy

Brand strategy is hugely important. It is often the stage of the branding process that ensures a brand has longevity and can be created with growth in mind. However,…

By Fran Johnson : 27/06/2023