Insights Building successful brands
Building successful brands: A step-by-step series of blog posts to guide you through the process of brand strategy and design. The series covers identifying purpose, mapping out the future of your company, delving into brand values, defining your audience, building a bridge between strategy and visuals and thinking about your competition.

Purpose: Working out the WHY?
Successful brands are are build when the business case for purpose is established - understanding of the core reason your business exists is the first step towards getting a brand that actually works.

Future: Mapping out the route
Brand strategy needs to look into the future. Understanding the next 10 years of where you want to take your company, and the general landscape of branding and how audiences understand brand.

Brand Values: What’s at the core?
What are your brand values? An important step into establishing a brand strategy is to select a number of words that you can measure decisions against.

Audience: Define, prioritise, profile, target
Understanding of your current and future audience types mean the foundations of a brand can be built. How to define, profile and target them?

Visuals: Bridging the words and the pictures
Often, talking about branding is the easy bit - everyone is on the same page. Then, the visuals appear and everyone has different opinions. This blog post is around ensuring all stakeholders involved have an understanding of the visuals, tone and style.

Thinking about your competition
Where is your company positioned within the market? Does your brand stand out from your competition, or fit into the status quo?